Real Estate Resources
Tools & Resources
Use tools and calculators to plan your real estate goals and map your potential.
Mortgage Calculator
Try the mortgage calculator to break a home loan into monthly house payments, based on a property’s price, current interest rates, and other factors.
Rent or Buy Calculator
Is it the right time to buy? Try the rent or buy calculator to determine if buying or renting a home makes more financial sense.
Refinance Calculator
Is it the right time to refinance? Try the calculator to see if refinancing will save you money and to better understand when to refinance your home.
Affordability Calculator
Use the affordability calculator to estimate how much you can afford to spend on a home.
Home Sale Proceeds Calculator
Use the home sale calculator estimates how much money you will make selling your home.
Historical Mortgage Rates
Interactive historical chart showing the 30 year fixed rate mortgage average in the United States since 1971.
Click here to use the Interactive 30 Year Fixed Mortgage Rate Historical Chart.
Follow resources from the best in the industry. is one of our favorite resources that consistently provides updated and accurate information across the industry. Here’s a couple quick and easy articles.
Articles and Advice for Sellers
Stay abreast of what sellers need to know about making top dollar on their home.
Residential News and Insights
What’s happening in our residential market nationwide?
We can help get you prepared to sell your home.
We keep abreast of industry and local reporting constantly, so you don’t have to. Explore online as much or as little as you like, and ask us questions anytime on how to apply the information to your transaction.
10 Best-Kept Secrets for Selling Your Home
Tricks of the trade to help you get top dollar when selling your home.
Home Selling Checklist
12 Things to Do Before Selling Your House

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Even if you want to sell your home, it's hard to know what to do first! When the time comes, we'll be right by your side!